Monday, November 3, 2014

Art as a Language

Art may not be a language that  we use everyday to communicate with people.But art reveals how an artist communicates with people all over the world with or without the internet . You can see lots of famous paintings in museums  . But what was the reason behind the paintings ? Why did they make them ? What feeling did Leonardo da Vinci feel while painting the Mona Lisa ? The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci to express his love for  Mona Lisa , some believe . 

                                          Art as a Language

Art can also express how you feel by  using the elements of art and principles . The elements and principles of art are actually like a lyric to a song , notes to a musician , and a recipe to a chef . Art communicates with it's viewers with the way the lines are . Their are vertical , diagonal , horizontal ,  zigzag and curved lines . There many ways to communicate by doing the following for example  , sign language  , English , Arabic , Swedish , German, french , Spanish , art ,and etc .

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