Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Prehistoric Art

I believe that art was used to communicate before people could speak which is called preverbal which is well known as cave men . The cave men are also called nomads because they always used to follow their food and they were always prepared to move . If they did not follow their food they would have not survived during those time era.

                                            Prehistoric Art

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rhythm and Contrast

                                                             Rhythm and Contrast
The principles of art indicates movement by the repetition of the elements , visual rhythm is perceived through the eyes and is created by repeating positive spaces separated by negative spaces . 

Contrast: Technique for creating a focal paint by using differences in element

There are Five types of rhythm 


Implied lines are those that are suggested by the positions of shapes or objects, where as actual lines are lines that are physically present in a design.

There are 4 lines :


Line is one of the most important elements of art . It helps us see feel the arts emotions , happy , sad, exciting and etc . If there were no lines in art then there would be no art .

There are 5 kinds of lines :
There are 5 ways to vary Lines :
Degree Curve

The Venus of Willendorf

                                             The Venus Of Willendorf
 The Venus of Willendorf is a 4.25 inch high statuette of a female figure estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE . She is one of the earliest images of the body made by humankind . She was discovered on the banks of the Danube river , in Austria . She was the most likely mabe the hunter-gathers who lived in the area . She was also discovered by Josef Szombathy in 1908 . 
The Venus of Willendorf  is 24-26 kya . The Venus of Willendorf was made from limestone . They also may have served a ritual , symbolic , pornographic function . 
She got her name from a small town in Austria called Willendorf   , as for Venus the ancient roman goddess of love . The Venus of Willendorf is now the museum of Natural History of Vienna . Most prized possession worth $60 million .



An element of art, value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Value becomes critical in a work which has no colors other than black, white, and a gray scale. For a great example of value in action, think of a black and white photograph. You can easily visualize how the variations of gray suggest planes and textures.

Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic : Is a mental tool that helps us remember a phase or a set of words . I will be using the elements and principals of art as examples .

Elements :
Space: Secret
 Colour : Consequences

Principles :                                                                                                  
Proposition: Places
Balance : Behind
Variety :Violence ,
Contrast :Criminals
Rhythm: Ride
Unity : Unicorns
Harmony: High

Art as a Language

Art may not be a language that  we use everyday to communicate with people.But art reveals how an artist communicates with people all over the world with or without the internet . You can see lots of famous paintings in museums  . But what was the reason behind the paintings ? Why did they make them ? What feeling did Leonardo da Vinci feel while painting the Mona Lisa ? The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci to express his love for  Mona Lisa , some believe . 

                                          Art as a Language

Art can also express how you feel by  using the elements of art and principles . The elements and principles of art are actually like a lyric to a song , notes to a musician , and a recipe to a chef . Art communicates with it's viewers with the way the lines are . Their are vertical , diagonal , horizontal ,  zigzag and curved lines . There many ways to communicate by doing the following for example  , sign language  , English , Arabic , Swedish , German, french , Spanish , art ,and etc .